Privacy Policy

Legal Notice

1 - Identifying Data

EUROPEAN FULFILLMENT CENTER, S.L, with registered office at Paseo del Charcón 23 Nave, CIF B42878405, and contact email:

2 - Data Protection

EUROPEAN FULFILLMENT CENTER, S.L, in compliance with Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, and the GDPR, ensures the correct use and processing of the user's personal data. To this end, along with each form for collecting personal data, in the services that the user may request from EUROPEAN FULFILLMENT CENTER, S.L, the user will be informed of the existence and acceptance of the specific conditions of the processing of their data in each case, informing them of the responsibility of the file created, the address of the responsible party, the possibility of exercising their rights, the purpose of the processing, and the communication of data to third parties, if applicable.

3 - Cookies

Likewise, EUROPEAN FULFILLMENT CENTER, S.L informs that it complies with Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce and will request your express consent for the processing of your email for commercial purposes at all times, use of Cookies, and the activity file. The provider, on its own account or that of a third party contracted to provide measurement services, may use cookies when a user browses the website. Cookies are files sent to the browser by a web server with the aim of recording the user's activities during their browsing time. The cookies used by the website are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer, and do not themselves provide the user's personal data. By using cookies, it is possible for the server where the website is located to recognize the web browser used by the user in order to make browsing easier, allowing, for example, access to users who have previously registered, access to areas, services, promotions, or contests reserved exclusively for them without having to register on each visit. They are also used to measure audience and traffic parameters, control progress, and the number of entries. The user has the possibility to configure their browser to be notified of the reception of cookies and to prevent their installation on their computer. Please refer to your browser's instructions and manuals for more information. To use the website, it is not necessary for the user to allow the installation of cookies sent by the website, or the third party acting on its behalf, without prejudice to the fact that it may be necessary for the user to start a session as such in each of the services whose provision requires prior registration or 'login'. The cookies used on this website are, in any case, temporary with the sole purpose of making their subsequent transmission more effective. Under no circumstances will cookies be used to collect personal information.

4 - IP Addresses

The website servers may automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All this information is recorded in a server activity file duly registered, which allows the subsequent processing of the data in order to obtain only statistical measurements that allow knowing the number of page impressions, the number of visits made to web services, the order of visits, access points, etc.

5 - Security

The website uses generally accepted information security techniques in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures, and cryptographic mechanisms, all with the aim of preventing unauthorized access to data. To achieve these purposes, the user/client expressly agrees that the provider obtains data for the purpose of the corresponding authentication of access controls. Any contracting process or one that involves the introduction of sensitive personal data (health, ideology, etc.) will always be transmitted through a secure communication protocol (Https://,...), so that no third party has access to the information transmitted electronically.

6 - Minors

Children under 14 years of age should not provide their personal data to EUROPEAN FULFILLMENT CENTER, S.L, without the prior consent of their parents or guardians. With the publication of the GDPR, it is expected to determine the age for consenting to the transfer of personal data between 16 and 13 years, a matter that is currently yet to be defined. In the event that EUROPEAN FULFILLMENT CENTER, S.L detects users on the web who may be under 14 years of age, it reserves the right to request a copy of their ID card, or, where appropriate, the authorization of their parents or guardians, causing their withdrawal in case of failure to prove compliance with this requirement or lack of response.

7 - Exercise of Rights

At any time, the web user may modify their commercial shipping preferences, as well as exercise their rights provided for in the regulations, by means of a written communication addressed to EUROPEAN FULFILLMENT CENTER, S.L, at the postal address Paseo del Charcón 23 Nave, 18110 La Gavias Granada, or by email addressed to In both cases, the user must attach a copy of their ID card, passport, or similar.
Also, you can use the models and forms provided by the AEPD portal for the exercise of these rights. And, if you do not wish to receive communications by email, you can exercise your right to cancel and object by requesting your withdrawal equally by ordinary or electronic mail, as well as through the link that will be in each email received from EUROPEAN FULFILLMENT CENTER, S.L.

8 - Processing Activity and Purpose

EUROPEAN FULFILLMENT CENTER, S.L collects information from its customers for the provision of the commercial service.
Categories of data to which access is available: Identifying data (Name, surnames, email, and telephone).
EUROPEAN FULFILLMENT CENTER, S.L informs website users that their personal data will not be transferred to third parties or organizations except when the data transfer is covered by a legal obligation or when the provision of the service implies the need for a contractual relationship with service providers responsible for processing. In the latter case, data will only be transferred to the third party when EUROPEAN FULFILLMENT CENTER, S.L has the express consent of the user and maintains a contractual relationship with the data processor that guarantees its confidentiality and compliance.
EUROPEAN FULFILLMENT CENTER, S.L expressly prohibits website users from sharing, facilitating, or transferring data from third parties, which they may obtain from contact, interaction, or browsing or consultation through this website, except if they can demonstrate the express authorization of the user whose data they intend to transfer.
We remind website users that DATA also includes image files of people. Personal image is data protected by regulations (Article 5.1 of the LOPD Development Regulation). Therefore, no one may use it without the express consent of the person appearing in it.

9 - Applicable Legislation

The privacy policy of EUROPEAN FULFILLMENT CENTER, S.L is governed by the following rules:
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data;
Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE). Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.

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